Feel Lighter, Slimmer and Rejuvenated in just 2 days! What is the Coconut Detox? The FatBlaster Coconut Detox 2 Day Plan is the exciting new program to help you flush away toxins while reducing belly bloat and puffiness to help you feel lighter, rejuvenated and get the body you want – all in just 2 days! Science has unlocked its power, and weight-conscious celebrities around the world have discovered the amazing 4000 year old secret of coconut for good health and feeling great. Only FatBlaster’s Coconut Detox 2 Day Plan includes our unique super-stacked combination of Coconut Water with the many health benefits of mature coconut in our specially formulated Coconut Detox beverage. The Benefits of FatBlaster 2 Day Coconut Detox Hydrating Coconut Water:Coconut Water, known as nature’s sports drink, is loaded with electrolytes essential for cellular metabolism and is great for hydrating the body. It is taken from the young coconut and is virtually fat free! Medium Chain Triglycerides or fatty acids (MCT's):Coconut MCT’s on the other hand are found in mature coconuts and have been clinically studied to better understand their benefits. They have been making headlines for their role for thermogenesis, the process that helps jump start your metabolism and fat-burning. Other benefits include: clearer skin, increased energy & concentration improved digestion and much more! Ingredients Coconut Water Concentrate (20%), Coconut Cream (10%), Water, Apple Concentrate (5.5%), Pineapple Concentrate (2.8%), Food Acid (296), Emulsifier (322), Stabiliser (405), Flavours (Natural), Goji (0.14%), Acai (0.1%), Vegetable Gum (415), Preservatives (223, 202). Direction For each meal, mix 125mL (half a cup) of Coconut & Lemon Detox concentrate with 125mL (half a cup) cold water, and drink slowly over 2 – 3 hours. Day One: Start in the morning replacing breakfast, and also replace lunch and dinner with Coconut & Lemon Detox, mixed as directed. Supplement with at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day (1 – 2 litres). Repeat on day two. WARNING: Not suitable for children under 15 years of age or pregnant women. Avoid strenuous exercise while on the Coconut Detox 2 Plan. May contain traces of soy bean and their products. As with any detox plan, if you have any health concerns or pre-existing conditions, it is advisable to contact your medical practitioner before commencing any detox or exercise program.
中文名称 |
Spring Leaf Colostrum Powder 3%IgG 400g |
英文名称 |
FatBlaster Coconut & Lemon Detox 2 Day Plan 750ml |
品牌 |
FatBlaster |
发货国家 |
否 |
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