FlavourChocolate Vanilla Flavour
DescriptionConstipation causes the bowel wall to stretch and lose tone as a result limits the capacity for peristalsis to push out the stools.Parachoc® softens and lubricates the stools making them much easier to pass; over time this enables the bowel wall to recover its normal function.
Benefits* Suitable for long term treatment* Sugar Free* Lactose Free* Gluten Free
Indications* Stool softener* Helps keep bowel empty* Restores normal muscle tone
DirectionsDosage:Adequate dosage is that dose which produces one soft motion without leakage of paraffin oil.Doses to be taken not less than 2 hours before lying downNot to be given to a child younger than 12 months
Approximate dosage scale:12 months – 6 years: Start with 10mL to 15mL daily and work up or down in 5mL graduations until desired effect is achieved.7 years – 12 years: Start with 20mL daily and work up or down in 5mL graduations until desired effect is achievedAdults: Start with 40mL daily and work up or down in 5mL graduations until desired effect is achieved
Active IngredientsEach 5mL contains 2.5mL of liquid Paraffin
Size200mL & 400mL
PrecautionsDO NOT ADMINISTER:1. Less than 2 hours before lying down2. To children under 12 months of age3. To children with development delays or with difficulty swallowing4. To a child who is struggling against taking the medication
This product in no way replaces the need for a high fibre diet and high fluid intake to ensure normal bowel function
StorageStore below 30°C.Keep out of direct sunlight
中文名称 |
Parachoc 儿童成人通便口服液 400ml(巧克力香草味) |
英文名称 |
Children's Parachoc 400ml |
品牌 |
Parachoc |
发货国家 |
澳大利亚 |
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