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Kids Cough 儿童止咳棒棒糖 缓解感冒咳嗽 香橙味 10支

作者:佚名 点击量: 2016-02-26 16:46:24

Kids Cough 儿童止咳棒棒糖 缓解感冒咳嗽 香橙味 10支



* 因产品包装更换频繁,实物与图片可能有差异
Imagine...no more fighting at medicine time!Natural, effective and gentle medication specially designed for children. Young kids respond well to the comfort of sucking when they are distressed or unwell and the 'kids' products taste great while providing relief. Gratitude from mothers all around Australia has been remarkable and the two most common comments are that the products are easy to administer as well as being effective. Mums and kids love them!Homeopathic medicines should be sucked, not chewed in order to assist absorption of the active ingredients. It is not necessary to 'finish' the lozenge to obtain the full benefit of the medication. * All Natural* Non Drowsy* No Sugar* No Alcohol* No Preservatives Kids Cough An All Natural, orange flavoured lozenge which provides temporary relief from the symptoms of: * Sore throats * Wheezing * Congestion * Hoarseness and a variety of coughs ranging from dry and barking to deep and hoarse The ingredients are traditionally used to relieve the following symptoms: * Spongia 30C - Relieves dry, barking croupy coughs. * Kali Carbonica 30C - Reduces the discomfort in the chest from wheezing and coughing * Phosphorus 30C - Relief where there is a hard, dry & cracking cough and the body trembles. * Ipecacuanha 30C - Nature's answer to the nausea associated with excessive mucous production. * Belladonna 30C - Promotes a good night's rest where there is a dry, tickling and short cough which is worse at night. Dosage: up to 3 per day. Begin Kids Cough at the first signs of colds or coughs.
中文名称 Kids Cough 儿童止咳棒棒糖 缓解感冒咳嗽 香橙味 10支
英文名称 Kids Cough Lozenges On A Stick Orange X 10
品牌 Kids Cough
发货国家 澳大利亚


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