Swisse Ultiboost Co-Enzyme Q10 assists with heart muscle function, blood circulation and can help protect artery walls from free radical damage. The beneficial effects of co-enzyme Q10 revolve around its ability to improve energy production and its antioxidant properties. These effects can help to reduce the risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease. It also helps protect LDL-cholesterol from oxidation. It is currently understood that LDL-cholesterol is harmful to the body after it has become oxidised.
Swisse Ultiboost Co-Enzyme Q10 provides 150mg of co-enzyme Q10. This dosage has been shown in a number of trials to have a therapeutic effect. The formula also includes the highly absorbable form of co-enzyme Q10 Ultrasome. Ultrasome is made up of incredibly small particles and has a solubility rate of almost 10-fold when compared to generic co-enzyme Q10. Therefore, therapeutic levels can be attained much faster.
Co-enzyme Q10 plays an essential role in the production of energy in all cells and helps maintain stamina and energy levels during exercise. Co-enzyme Q10 is an essential part of the mitochondria – the energy producing cells in our body.
A good analogy for co-enzyme Q10’s role in the body is that it is similar to the role of a spark plug in a car engine. Just as a car cannot function without that initial spark, the body cannot function without co-enzyme Q10. Organs with the highest energy requirements, such as the heart and the liver, have the highest co-enzyme Q10 concentrations.
Levels of co-enzyme Q10 decrease with age, making it an important supplement for all adults. Those suffering from with chronic diseases including heart conditions, muscular dystrophies, Parkinson’s disease and diabetes may also be deficient in co-enzyme Q10.
Available Sizes
30 Capsules
Adult dosage: one capsule daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Do not take while on warfarin therapy without medical advice.
中文名称 |
Swisse 辅酶Q10心脏宝 50粒 (抗衰老) |
英文名称 |
Swisse Ultiboost Co-Enzyme Q10 150mg Cap X 50 |
品牌 |
Swisse |
发货国家 |
澳大利亚 |
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